Polímeros: Ciência e Tecnologia
Polímeros: Ciência e Tecnologia
Original Article

A foldable high transparent fluorinated polyimide (HFBAPP/6FDA) film material for transparent flexible substrate

Chuanhao Cao; Lizhu Liu; Xiaorui Zhang

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Flexible transparent substrate materials, which was able to withstand high dynamic strain, in contrast to traditional substrate materials. A flexible and transparent material with advantages including transparency, stable size, and excellent corrosion and electrical resistance was provided. The polyimide(PI) film was prepared by introducing a structure with a high content of F atom and a fine optimization process to enhance the various properties of the film. However, the properties of the films were optimized effectively by gradient vacuum and secondary dissolution so that the film had a transmittance at 400 nm of 82%. The films with low dielectric constant and low dielectric loss represent the breakdown strength of 202 kV/mm. The glass transition temperature of the film was 267 °C, and the thermal expansion coefficient was 35ppm/k (30 °C~270 °C), indicated outstanding thermal dimensional stability. Therefore, this polyimide film was an optoelectronic device with extremely high application potential on the folding mobile phone and the PI film is the finest materials of screen.


transparent PI, transmittance, insulation, thermal performance, dielectric properties


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