Polímeros: Ciência e Tecnologia
Polímeros: Ciência e Tecnologia
Original Article

Synthesis of flexible polyurethane foams by the partial substitution of polyol by steatite

Plínio César de Carvalho Pinto; Virginia Ribeiro da Silva; Maria Irene Yoshida; Marcone Augusto Leal de Oliveira

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Abstract: This work describes the synthesis of composites steatite/flexible polyurethane by replacing 4.5 wt. % of polyol with steatite rock powder. We evaluated two mechanical properties of composites (comfort factor and support factor) for various formulations based on a fractional factorial design. The new synthesized composites showed higher support factor, greater comfort factor, and lower cost, compared to conventional flexible polyurethane foams. There is not a significant change in the chemical composition of the foams, due to substitution of 4.5 wt. % polyol by steatite. However, there was a decrease in cell size and greater interaction between the hard segments of the composite.


composites, foam, steatite, mechanical properties, polyurethanes


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