Polímeros: Ciência e Tecnologia
Polímeros: Ciência e Tecnologia
Original Article

Evaluation of degradation of furanic polyamides synthesized with different solvents

Fontoura, Cláudia Moreira da; Pistor, Vinicios; Mauler, Raquel Santos

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Aromatic polyamides have properties of industrial relevance. However, the industrial and technological advancement has followed the trend of sustainability by seeking renewable source materials. In this work, polyamides were synthetized using 2,5-furandicarboxylic acid with p-phenylene diamine, triphenyl phosphite and two solvents (NMP and DMAc). To evaluate the influence of solvents on the reaction, a kinetic study of degradation was carried out by thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), X-ray diffraction (XRD) and viscometric analysis. The viscosity value was in the range 70-80 mL/g. The TGA showed a higher thermal stability and activation energy for sample prepared with DMAc than the NMP. The XRD analysis showed that the PAFDMAc presents more defined crystalline forms due to its higher solvation capability. The crystalline form can be correlated with the differences of Ea, because the crystalline orientation and the number of hydrogens bonds in sample PAFNMP may be lower than the structure attributed to PAFDMAc.


furanic polyamides; solvents; synthesis; kinetic degradation; crystallinity


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