Polímeros: Ciência e Tecnologia
Polímeros: Ciência e Tecnologia
Short Communication

Accurate measurement of pitch-based carbon fiber electrical resistivity

Caroline Jovine Bouças Guimarães; Alcino Palermo de Aguiar; Alexandre Taschetto de Castro

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This study investigated the appropriate methodology required to measure single carbon fibers electrical resistivity. Two- and four-probe methods were evaluated for this measurement. Comparing results for single filaments of pitch-based and PAN-based fibers shows that the two-probe method gives acceptable results for PAN-based fibers, but much higher deviations from adjusted resistivity for pitch-based fibers (>15%). The four-probe method shows small deviations (<1%) for both precursors and is the most suitable for measurements of pitch-based carbon fibers. The four-probe method gives higher accuracy than the two-probe for all samples tested.


carbon fiber, four-probe method, mesophase-pitch, electrical resistivity


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