Polímeros: Ciência e Tecnologia
Polímeros: Ciência e Tecnologia
Original Article

Influence of ZnO on the properties of elastomeric compositions and their leached extract

Torani, Daiane; Crespo, Janaina da Silva; Brandalise, Rosmary Nichele

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The reductionin zinc oxide (ZnO) content in elastomeric compositions has become a subject due to the deleterious effect of zinc ions on aquatic organisms. The purpose of this study was to develop elastomeric compositions containing 0, 1, 3 and 5 phr of ZnO aiming at assessing the influence of the different contents on the rheometric, mechanical and thermal properties. The release of the zinc (Zn) content by leaching, at each step of the production and after the ageing was also assessed. All ZnO-containing compounds had similar rheometric, thermal and mechanical properties. Also, during and after exposure to accelerated ageing the released contents were similar for all compositions regarding the residual ZnO percent. In conclusion, the utilization of the 3 phr ZnO content is viable for the replacement of the usual amount employed.


leaching; properties; vulcanization activation; zinc oxide.


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