Polímeros: Ciência e Tecnologia
Polímeros: Ciência e Tecnologia
Original Article

Characterization of additives in NR formulations by TLC-IR (UATR)

Murakami, Lidia Mattos Silva; Azevedo, Joyce Baracho; Diniz, Milton Faria; Silva, Leandro Mattos; Dutra, Rita de Cássia Lazzarinix

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Abstract: It is a well-established fact that rubber accelerator is essential to provide solution in different sectors. However, there is a reversal process which can reduce the material performance. Sulfur accelerators donors and organic peroxides have been presented as a solution to the problem. The methodology development that can separate or characterize those components is a challenge and still allows gaps, explained by the application of conventional technique to reach this goal. This study aimed at contributing to the use of off-line coupling of thin layer chromatography (TLC)/infrared spectroscopy (IR) by Universal Attenuated Total Reflection (UATR) for analysis of N-cyclohexyl-2-benzotiazolsulfenamide (CBS), tetraethylthiuram disulfide (TMTD) and dicumyl peroxide (DCP), in natural poly-cis-isoprene (NR) formulations, containing naphthenic oil. The best results were obtained for the plasticizer and DCP, in formulations that had a greater proportion of these compounds. The separation of CBS and TMTD was made with less effectiveness, due to bands overlapping.


additives, characterization, NR, TLC, UATR


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