Polímeros: Ciência e Tecnologia
Polímeros: Ciência e Tecnologia
Original Article

Reactive compatibilization effect of graphene oxide reinforced butyl rubber nanocomposites

Sathishranganathan Chinnasamy; Rajasekar Rathanasamy; Harikrishna Kumar Mohan Kumar; Prakash Maran Jeganathan; Sathish Kumar Palaniappan; Samir Kumar Pal

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The objective of this work is to develop graphene oxide (GO) incorporated butyl rubber (IIR) nanocomposites by three different methods: direct addition approach (DAAM), single step method (SSM) and two step method (TSM). Chlorobutyl rubber was used as a compatibilizer in SSM and TSM. Mechanical properties of developed nanocomposites was increased and gas permeability co-efficient was decreased up on addition of GO content in IIR matrix. Maximum technical properties was achieved for the nanocomposite with 1.6 wt.% of GO in all methods was achieved due to better interfacial bonding with IIR matrix. When GO content increases above 1.6 wt.% in IIR matrix leads to agglomeration which resulted in deterioration of mechanical properties. HR-TEM studies revealed that nanocomposites prepared by TSM shows exfoliated structure of GO in IIR matrix due to homogenous distribution when compared to the nanocomposites prepared with DAAM and SSM.



butyl rubber, graphene oxide, nanocomposite, mechanical


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