Polímeros: Ciência e Tecnologia
Polímeros: Ciência e Tecnologia
Original Article

Influence of Moringa oleifera derivates in blends of PBAT/PLA with LDPE

Cristiane Medina Finzi-Quintão; Kátia Monteiro Novack; Ana Cláudia Bernardes-Silva; Thais Dhayane Silva; Lucas Emiliano Souza Moreira; Luiza Eduarda Moraes Braga

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Abstract: There are few studies about Moringa oleifera derivates in polymer developments where vegetable oil was used as a plasticizer and a biodegrading agent. The polymerization of moringa oil (MO) was carried out assisted by microwaves without catalysts presence. There aren’t studies about the polymerization of MO using microwaves technology. Moringa’s oil and its polymer (PMO) were used as a biodegrading agent for mixtures of low density polyethylene (LDPE) with poly(butylene adipate-co-terephthalate)/poly(lactic acid) (PBAT/PLA). The mixtures producted films that were characterized and submitted to biodegradation analysis in order to discuss the influence of moringa components. Results showed that both moringa components improved thermal properties and reduced the crystalline phase of the mixture. The addition of PMO had improved the biodegradation capacity up to five times while MO had improved it up to three times. The results showed the greatest influence of moringa components on biodegradation of mixtures with cited polymers.


biodegradation, biopolymers, microwaves, Moringa oleifera


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