Polímeros: Ciência e Tecnologia
Polímeros: Ciência e Tecnologia
Original Article

Natural ageing of polyaramide fiber from ballistic armor

Konarzewski, Vitor Hugo Cordeiro; Spiekemann, Fernando Ludgero; Santana, Ruth Marlene Campomanes

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Ballistic armor has been manufactured primarily based on polyaramide (Kevlar and Twaron) or Dyneema but the lifespan warranty in Brazil is only 5 years and after this time period they are incinerated or comminuted and ground up. This study aims to evaluate the changes on the physical, mechanical and morphological properties of polyaramide fibers of ballistic armor after natural aging. These samples with different fabrication (2005 and 2010) and usage time were exposed to natural weathering in the city of Porto Alegre, southern Brazil, during the period of one year. Morphology fiber results surfaced after ageing, it showed fiber swelling, stress cracking and defibrillation, and the results of the mechanical tensile testing of the polyaramide fibers showed a pronounced decrease (80%) in tensile strength. It can be concluded that the weight, the dtex of the fiber and the kind of fabric can influence the degradation degree under natural exposure.


ballistic armor; aramid fibers; polymer degradation


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