Polímeros: Ciência e Tecnologia
Polímeros: Ciência e Tecnologia
Original Article

Selection of appropriate reinforcement for nylon material through mechanical and damping characteristics

Hari Bodipatti Subburamamurthy; Rajasekar Rathanasamy; Harikrishna Kumar Mohan Kumar; Moganapriya Chinnasamy; Gobinath Velu Kaliyannan; Saravanan Natarajan

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Nylon composites were developed using 5-20 wt.% of Talc, Kaolin, Mica and Calcium Carbonate (CaCO3) particulates. Mechanical and free vibration characteristics of nylon composites were examined through experimental and analytical approach. Particulate filled nylon composites exhibited enhancement in tensile strength, specific stiffness, natural frequency and damping factor compared to pure nylon. As a whole, talc reinforced nylon composites especially 15 wt.% filler content (T15) portrayed significant performance in mechanical and vibrational characteristics. This is followed by nylon composites based on kaolin (K15) and mica (M20) compared to CaCO3 based nylon composites. T15 depicted 18.13%, 33.33%, 81.2% increment in tensile strength, natural frequency and damping factor compared to pure nylon. The simulated ANSYS results are in agreement with experimental results. Among four different particulates, talc is proven as appropriate reinforcing agent for nylon owing to larger surface area of talc particles and polar-polar interaction between talc and nylon matrix.


damping factor, mechanical testing, mineral fillers, nylon 6


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