Polímeros: Ciência e Tecnologia
Polímeros: Ciência e Tecnologia
Original Article

Understanding the water uptake in F-161 glass-epoxy composites using the techniques of luminescence spectroscopy and FT-NIR

Sales, Rita; Thim, Gilmar; Brunelli, Deborah

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This paper investigates the application of the luminescence spectroscopy technique in steady–state to study the moisture influence in glass fiber/epoxy prepreg and their laminates. The studies were monitored by intrinsic luminescence comparing the results with gravimetric analysis and near infrared with Fourier transform. Samples are cured and submitted to humidity controlled at 60 and 80 °C until 90 days. It is verified that the decrease in the maximum emission of the samples is directly related to the material moisture content. However, for very short periods, there is an increase in the relative intensity and blue shift of the emission band for all samples treated at 60 °C, which is related to an increase of the rigidity of the polymeric matrix. The results in this paper have a great significance because it brings a wide discussion on the interaction of water in epoxy composites materials.


F-161 laminates, FT-NIR, luminescence spectroscopy, water uptake.


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