Polímeros: Ciência e Tecnologia
Polímeros: Ciência e Tecnologia
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Study on mechanical & thermal properties of PCL blended graphene biocomposites

Kumar, Dinesh; Babu, Ganesh; Krishnan, Sai

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Graphene is a new carbon based nonmaterial that attracts the technology and constitutes one of the great promises for nanotechnology applications in a near feature. It’s having versatile intrinsic mechanical, thermal and electrical properties.By Incorporation of small amount of graphene fillers into polymer matrix can create attractive bio composites with different morphological and functional properties. The development of biomaterials with special properties is a requirement in biomedical research, particularly in biomedical application. The aim of this work was to develop biocompatible, usable bio composites for biomedical applications using graphene as filler. Recent research evidenced that grapheme-polymer bio composites are promising materials with applications ranging from transportation, biomedical systems, sensors, electrodes for solar panels and EMI.Chemically converted graphene (CCG) solution were prepared through reduction of GO, and Polycaprolactone (PCl), a synthetic biodegradable and biocompatible aliphatic polyester also a suitable for developing biocomposites.


graphene; polymer biocomposites; polycaprolactone; biocompatible.


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