Polímeros: Ciência e Tecnologia
Polímeros: Ciência e Tecnologia
Original Article

Extraction and characterization of cellulose microfibers from Retama raetam stems

Khenblouche, Abdelkader; Bechki, Djamel; Gouamid, Messaoud; Charradi, Khaled; Segni, Ladjel; Hadjadj, Mohamed; Boughali, Slimane

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Cellulose is the most abundant renewable resource in nature, it has various industrial applications due to its promising properties. Retama raetam is a wild plant belonging to the Fabaceae family, largely abundant in arid area which makes it a good candidate for industrial utilization. In the present study, highly crystalline cellulose microfibers (77.8% CrI) were extracted from Retama Raetam stems as a novel renewable source. The samples underwent a dewaxing process, then the microfibers were extracted using 7 wt% sodium hydroxide followed by a bleaching treatment. The extracted cellulose microfibers were characterized by Scanning electron microscopy, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, X-ray Diffraction and thermo-gravimetric analysis.


cellulose; microfibers; Retama raetam; extraction; characterization


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