Polímeros: Ciência e Tecnologia
Polímeros: Ciência e Tecnologia
Original Article

Effects of weathering on mechanical and morphological properties cork filled green polyethylene eco-composites

Gabriela Celso Melo Soares de Vasconcelos; Laura Hecker de Carvalho; Renata Barbosa; Rita de Cássia de Lima Idalino; Tatianny Soares Alves

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This study aims to evaluate the effects of natural weathering in the city of Teresina, State of Piauí, Brazil, on the morphology and mechanical properties of eco-composites based on high-density green polyethylene, powdered cork and compatibilizer processed in a twin-screw extruder and injection molded. The analyses revealed that although weathering induced surface bleaching of eco-composites and cracking, these effects were not intense in the compatibilized samples. The tensile properties of the investigated materials were affected by abiotic degradation, which led to a reduction of the tensile strength and elastic deformation of the eco-composites, however, the incorporation of PEgMA was fundamental for the maintenance of mechanical performance after natural aging. In general, the results obtained were satisfactory for external applications of the compatibilized eco-composite with 15% cork in the proposed weathering range, which indicates its possible use in temporary constructions.



composites, compatibilizer, extrusion, colorimetry, natural aging


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