Polímeros: Ciência e Tecnologia
Polímeros: Ciência e Tecnologia
Original Article

Experimental investigation on stacking sequence of Kevlar and natural fibres/epoxy polymer composites

Murali Banu; Vijaya Ramnath Bindu Madhavan; Dhanashekar Manickam; Chandramohan Devarajan

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This paper investigates the stacking sequence of combined natural and synthetic fibres reinforced epoxy composites for better mechanical properties. The hybrid composites fabricated using vacuum assisted compression molding process with the natural and synthetic fibres layered in three different sequences such as type I, type II and type III where the synthetic fibers were placed alternatively. The ultimate tensile strength of composite type III was increased by 12% and 30% when compared to composite type I and type II respectively. The flexural test results showed that composite type III have better flexural strength 223 MPa which is 13% and 11% greater than composite type I and type II respectively. Overall, it can be declared that the composite type III shows better tensile, and flexural properties i.e., the composite with aloe vera and palmyra palm fibres have better wettability with the matrix when compared to bamboo fibre.



aloe vera fibre, bamboo fibre, epoxy resin, Kevlar fibre, palmyra palm fibre


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