Polímeros: Ciência e Tecnologia
Polímeros: Ciência e Tecnologia
Original Article

Physicochemical characterization, drug release and mechanical analysis of ibuprofen-loaded uhmwpe for orthopedic applications

Loise Silveira da Silva; Izabelle de Mello Gindri; Gean Vitor Salmoria; Carlos Rodrigo de Mello Roesler

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In this study, the preparation of a novel functional material for orthopedic implants using compression molding was investigated. The new functional material is envisioned to avoid inflammatory reactions in vivo after prosthesis implantation. Ibuprofen-loaded UHMWPE samples were prepared in two concentrations (3% and 5%) and samples were characterized in terms of physicochemical and mechanical properties. In addition, the drug-release profile was investigated. The manufacturing process resulted in a homogeneous polymer matrix with homogeneous drug dispersion. The addition of ibuprofen had a minor effect on physicochemical properties but a more significant influence on the mechanical behavior of the specimens was observed. Drug release was demonstrated and overall the results obtained showed a positive outcome with regard to the intended use. The properties analyzed remained within an acceptable range for medical application and the drug-release profile obtained for the material developed shows promise for its use as an anti-inflammatory system.


UHMWPE, ibuprofen, biomaterial, drug delivery, orthopedic implants, material characterization


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