Polímeros: Ciência e Tecnologia
Polímeros: Ciência e Tecnologia
Original Article

Extraction and properties of starches from the non-traditional vegetables Yam and Taro

Andrade, Luan Alberto; Barbosa, Natália Alves; Pereira, Joelma

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The objective of this study was to assess the chemical, physical, morphological, crystalline and thermal properties of starch from two non-traditional vegetables, yam and taro. The analyses included proximate composition percent, amylose and mineral content, water absorption capacity, absolute density, morphological properties, X-ray diffractometry, thermal properties, pasting properties and infrared spectrum. The extracted starch exhibited a high purity level with low lipid, fiber and ash contents. The electron micrographs suggested that the taro starch granules were smaller than the yam starch granules. The results for the experimental conditions used in this study indicated that the studied starches differed, especially the amylose content, granule size and crystallinity degree and the pattern of the starches. Due to the high amylose content of yam starch, this type of starch can be used for film preparation, whereas the taro starch can be used as a fat substitute due to its small granule size.


amylose, colocasia esculenta, dioscorea sp., FTIR, gelatinization.


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