Polímeros: Ciência e Tecnologia
Polímeros: Ciência e Tecnologia
Original Article

Investigation of TPP-Chitosomes particles structure and stability as encapsulating agent of cholecalciferol

Iida, Aline Sayuri Lima; Luz, Karina Novais; Barros-Alexandrino, Taís Téo; Fávaro-Trindade, Carmen Sílvia; Pinho, Samantha Cristina de; Assis, Odílio Benedito Garrido; Martelli-Tosi, Milena

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Tripolyphosphate (TPP)-chitosomes were produced aiming at the encapsulation and conservation of vitamin D3. This hybrid system is made of liposomes, vesicles consisting of phospholipid bilayers, surrounded by chitosan wall ionic-crosslinked with TPP. Chitosan concentrations (2 and 4 mg mL-1) were tested and the vitamin stability in aqueous dispersions monitored for 49 days. The results confim that D3 remained stable throughout the analyzed period (49 days), whereas the non-encapsulated vitamin totally degrades after the second week of storage. The particle diameters ranged from 0.1 to 5 μm with good colloidal stability (+22 to +48 mV), and encapsulation efficiency of 97%. Thermal stability was also improved when using the TPP-chitosomes. The protection performed was attributed to the stable interactions conferred by the phospholipids crosslinking with the chitosan amino groups and a formation of a net of hydrogen bonds established amongst the hydroxyl groups of the interacting compounds as revealed by infrared spectroscopy.


liposomes; cholecalciferol; lecithin; encapsulation; vitamin stability.


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