Polímeros: Ciência e Tecnologia
Polímeros: Ciência e Tecnologia
Original Article

In vitro evaluation of PVA gels loaded with Copaiba Oil and Duotrill®

Pereira, Ingrid Cristina Soares; Santos, Natália Rodrigues Rojas dos; Middea, Antonieta; Prudencio, Edlene Ribeiro; Luchese, Rosa Helena; Moreira, Ana Paula Duarte; Oliveira, Renata Nunes

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Enrofloxacin can be slowly delivered through polymeric systems and the addition of oil could increase the polymeric gels hydrophobicity and help the continuous release. The present work intended to develop and characterize microstructurally (XRD and FTIR) and in vitro (swelling and antimicrobial tests) the PVA hydrogels loaded with copaiba oil and Duotrill (enrofloxacin) to treat bacterial infections, as pyelonephritis, in the veterinary field. Duotrill® and oil combined diminished the gels degree of crystallinity and it was observed interaction between phases due to a new band found only in PVA hydrogels loaded with copaiba oil and Duotrill (PVA-D-O) FTIR spectrum. The samples with oil swelled less than samples without it, where copaiba oil altered the samples’ hydrophilicity. PVA-D-O presented lower weight loss and higher gel fraction than PVA, indicating the loaded material increased the gels stability. All samples containing oil and Duotrill® inhibited S. aureus.


PVA; hydrogel; copaiba oil; enrofloxacin; in vitro.


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