Polímeros: Ciência e Tecnologia
Polímeros: Ciência e Tecnologia
Original Article

Alternative use of oily fractions of olive oil

Bagni, Melina; Granados, Dolly; Reboredo, María

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Oily fractions of olive oil not suitable for human consumption used were: lamp oil (AL), olive pomace oil (OO) and clear oil lees (CB). Polyols were obtained by modifications of epoxidation with subsequent hydrolysis (ALH, OOH, CBH) and transesterification (ALHT, OOHT, CBHT) in order to favor, then, the polymerization reactions. The analysis of the physicochemical properties determined show the decrease of the unsaturations in the triglyceride and the increase of the OH concentration in the modified polyols as compared to the initial oils (from 16 to 380 for the AL and the ALHT; from 24 to 448 for the CB and the CBHT and from 3 to 430 for the OO and the OOHT, respectively) .The main objective of this work is to evaluate the stability of these oils over time and to provide an alternative synthesis of polyurethanes from a renewable resource, not previously used for this purpose.


biopolymers; oil stability; polyols; polyurethanes; synthesis


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