Polímeros: Ciência e Tecnologia
Polímeros: Ciência e Tecnologia
Original Article

Compatibility and characterization of Bio-PE/PCL blends

Bezerra, Elieber Barros; França, Danyelle Campos de; Morais, Dayanne Diniz de Souza; Silva, Ingridy Dayane dos Santo; Siqueira, Danilo Diniz; Araújo, Edcleide Maria; Wellen, Renate Maria Ramos

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In this work, blends based on environmentally friend polymers such as Biopolyethylene (Bio-PE), Polycaprolactone (PCL) and Polyethylene graft maleic anhydride (PEgMA) added as compatibilizer agent were produced by conventional extrusion, aiming to produce bio-blends with synergic properties at low processing cost, being at same time non-polluting and therefore contributing to the environment preservation. Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) showed that blending does not significantly interfere on the melting and crystallization behaviors of neat polymers, suggesting being low miscibility compounds. Mechanical properties were observed changing with blend composition as the impact strength significantly increased reaching values higher than 130% when compared to neat Bio-PE. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) images showed honeycomb morphology in Bio-PE/PCL blends, and the addition of PEgMA decreased the coalescence contributing to obtain more stable and synergic compounds. Bio-PE/PCL/PEgMA at 80/20/10 contents presented the best properties and may be used for packaging materials (food containers, film wrapping), and hygiene products.


Bio-PE; PCL; thermal behavior; mechanical properties; morphology.


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