Polímeros: Ciência e Tecnologia
Polímeros: Ciência e Tecnologia
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Application of ashes as filling in reprocessed polypropylene: thermomechanical properties of composites

Crespo, Lina Marcela; Caicedo, Carolina

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The life cycle of a product depends to a great extent on its reuse and ease of recycling. This work had developed of composite materials of reprocessed polypropylene composites with rice husk ash (RHA) and sugarcane bagasse ash (SBA) through the coextrusion and injection processes as main purpose. The polymeric matrix was reprocesed until six generations by the injection technique. The reprocessed PP was mixed in 80:20 proportions with respect to filler mineral, using maleic anhydride as coupling agent in a coextrusion machine. The new series of composite materials were analyzed thermal, mechanical, rheological and morphologically. The incorporation of ashes in the PP matrix achieved characteristics of improved tensile strength, conserving the thermal properties. For this reason, this work presents an alternative for the manufacture of composite materials from post-industrial waste.


rheological analysis; rice husk ash; sugarcane bagasse ash; mechanical properties; thermal properties


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