Polímeros: Ciência e Tecnologia
Polímeros: Ciência e Tecnologia
Original Article

Preliminary analysis of N-vinylpyrrolidone based polymer gel dosimeter

Dias, Juliana Rosada;  Mangueira, Thyago Fressatti;  Lopes, Roseany de Vasconcelos Vieira;  Sales, Maria José Araújo;  Ceschin, Artemis Marti

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Abstract: This paper aims to evaluate the dosimetric characteristics of modified VIPARnd for radiotherapy dosimetry using optical investigations. The absorbance spectrum of the irradiated gel dosimeter was evaluated optically with spectrophotometer techniques and with a CMOS imaging system. The useful dose range for the peak value and the relative area under the absorbance curve is 3-20 Gy. The dose-response curve for CMOS readout has an interval of linearity from 3-20 Gy. The modified VIPARnd developed has a good dose range and good temporal stability in the spectrophotometric analysis of the intervals studied. The CMOS readout is transportable, cheaper, easier to use and an excellent alternative for dosimetry.


polymer gel dosimetry; optical analysis; N-vinylpyrrolidone; radiotherapy


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