Polímeros: Ciência e Tecnologia
Polímeros: Ciência e Tecnologia
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Obtaining and characterizing dental hybrid composites with clay or silica nanoparticles and boron-aluminum-silicate glass microparticles

Menezes, Lívia Rodrigues de; Silva, Emerson Oliveira da

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The aim of the present work was the obtaining and characterization of dental hybrid composites using nanoparticles (clay or silica) and boron-aluminum-silicate microparticles. We evaluated the dispersion of the nanofillers when changing their loading among 2.5%, 5%, 10% and 25% wt. Were tested, in the above quantities, four different types of nanofillers, two nanosilicas and two nanoclays The remainder of the inorganic phase, up to a total loading of 75% wt, was given by the boron-aluminum-silicate microparticles. The systems were characterized by XRD, TGA, LF-NMR, and . FTIR was used to determine the degree of conversion. The XRD and LF-NMR showed that the composites with 2.5% of clays, contained an exfoliated profile, and the groups with higher amounts of clay showed intercalated areas or the agglomeration of these particles. Furthermore, the silicas were agglomerated in all groups. The thermal resistance of the material was not affected by the silicas, but improved when using 2.5% of nanoclays. On the other hand, the addition of these particles caused the reduction of the degree of conversion of the systems.


acrylate matrixes; hybrid composites; organoclays; silicas.


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