Polímeros: Ciência e Tecnologia
Polímeros: Ciência e Tecnologia
Original Article

Water-uptake properties of a fish protein-based superabsorbent hydrogel chemically modified with ethanol

Martins, Vilásia Guimarães; Costa, Jorge Alberto Vieira; Prentice, Carlos

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Abstract: Hydrophilic polymers can form hydrogels, which are able to absorb and retain as much water as one hundred times their weight. Polymers based on natural products have been drawing attention since they are biocompatible, biodegradable and nontoxic. The aims of this study were to produce and to characterize a biopolymer with superabsorbent properties from fish protein isolates. Hydrogels were produced from protein isolates from Whitemouth croaker processing wastes chemically modified. The extension of change in lysine residues, kinetics in water-uptake capacity, pH effect, ionic strength over the absorption of water by hydrogels and the behavior of the biopolymer when subject to successive hydration and dehydrations were investigated. Results showed that acid modified protein without ethanol treatment reached a maximum absorption of 103.25 gwater/gdry gel, while the same sample modified with ethanol reached 216.05 gwater/gdry gel.


biopolymer, ethanol, fish wastes, protein isolates, superabsorbent


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