Polímeros: Ciência e Tecnologia
Polímeros: Ciência e Tecnologia
Original Article

Synthesis and characterization of microalgae fatty acids or Aloe vera oil microcapsules

Badke, Luiza Brescovici; Silva, Bruno Campos da; Carvalho-Jorge, Agne Roani de; Taher, Dhyogo Mileo; Riegel-Vidotti, Izabel Cristina; Marino, Cláudia Eliana Bruno

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It’s proposed a single methodology for the encapsulation of Aloe vera oil or microalgae fatty acids using the complex coacervation process between gelatin and gum arabic. Although a very recurrent method, it is not trivial to establish a single coacervation methodology to encapsulate different compounds. The optimal synthesis conditions, that resulted in the best yield and encapsulation efficiency, are 1:1 (m/m) wall-to-core ratio, a temperature of 40°C and agitation speed of 10,000 rpm. Optical microscopy analysis revealed that the microcapsules are spherical, have average diameters of 112 μm (A. vera) and 118 μm (microalgae) and do not form agglomerates. The microcapsules were characterized by the osmotic pressure at which they ruptured, allowing the calculation of their mechanical resistance, which resulted in 392 MPa (A. vera) and 425 MPa (microalgae). The presented optimized methodology to encapsulate both compounds aims to contribute to their efficient and rational use, especially in cosmeceutical applications.


cosmeceutics; gelatin; gum arabic; morphology; osmotic pressure.


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