Polímeros: Ciência e Tecnologia
Polímeros: Ciência e Tecnologia
Original Article

Sulfonated poly(ether ether ketone)/hydroxyapatite membrane as biomaterials: process evaluation

Pimentel, Cristiane Agra; Souza, José William de Lima; Santos, Flávia Suzany Ferreira dos; Sá, Mayelli Dantas de; Ferreira, Valéria Pereira; Barreto, Gislaine Bezerra de Carvalho; Rodrigues, José Filipe Bacalhau; Sousa, Wladymyr Jefferson Bacalhau de; Britto Filho, Cláudio Orestes; Sousa, Francisco Kegenaldo Alves de; Fook, Marcus Vinicius Lia

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Poly(ether ether ketone) (PEEK) has excellent properties, such as high biocompatibility and an elastic modulus similar to bone, which makes it a suitable biomaterial. When modified with sulfuric acid (H2SO4) and hydroxyapatite (HA), its workability and bioactivity is enhanced, and this makes it of great importance in medicine. This study investigates a better combination of process parameters to manufacture sulfonated PEEK/HA (SPEEK/HA) membranes for biomaterials. Chemical, thermal, and biological analyses were carried out on all samples. The sulfonated structure was observed to enhance wettability, adhesion, and cell viability. Furthermore, an increase in the degree of sulfonation facilitated their workability as required for biomaterials; making them suitable for osseointegration. Besides, the SPEEK/HA membranes presented cell adhesion, confirming the viability to use as biomaterial. This study presents a cheap alternative method to easily process biomaterials of improved workability


biomaterial; chemical modification; hydroxyapatite; membrane; SPEEK


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