Polímeros: Ciência e Tecnologia
Polímeros: Ciência e Tecnologia
Original Article

Quantification by FT-IR (UATR/NIRA) of NBR/SBR blends

Azevedo, Joyce Baracho; Murakami, Lidia Mattos Silva; Ferreira, Ana Carolina; Diniz, Milton Faria; Silva, Leandro Mattos; Dutra, Rita de Cássia Lazzarini

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Abstract: Rubber blends are important materials in automotive industry, as well as in other sectors. However, there are implications when suitable use of a polymer in an artifact is not made. In the automotive area, for example, the use of an elastomer without the fuel resistance requirement would result in component degradation, potential fuel leakage, and danger of fire. The use of polymer blends may be the solution to this problem. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR) can be used for the knowledge of the polymer content of these blends. Then, FT-IR quantitative methodologies for determining acrylonitrile-butadiene copolymer (NBR) copolymer and butadiene-styrene copolymer (SBR) contents were developed by the transflectance accessory, NIRA, and the transmission mode, being the sample analyzed by transmission and universal attenuated total reflection (UATR) in the medium infrared (MIR). UATR and NIRA methodologies showed better accuracy. However, the MIR analysis showed a detection limit between 10-20% of NBR


content; NBR; NIRA; SBR; UATR


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