Polímeros: Ciência e Tecnologia
Polímeros: Ciência e Tecnologia
Review Articles

Use of biodegradable polymer for development of environmental tracers: a bibliometric review

Adriana Marques; Sandra Maria da Luz

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Qualitative and quantitative measuring in water bodies, nuclear medicine, agriculture, and world oil production use tracers to monitor, evaluate and continuously improve their processes. The bibliometric information about the past and the future of artificial tracers, to monitor surface and groundwater by using sustainable biodegradable materials it will be important for future generation. To fulfil this purpose, bibliometric literature analysis has been considered as a solution to identify research areas that need to be improved. The results of this paper showed that even with the increase in research in ​​biopolymers, and the use of artificial tracers, academic development is still not significant. The United States, China, and Germany are the top publishers in this field however, there is no country that constantly develops research in these areas concomitantly using biodegradable polymers. Because of that, this field could be further explored, globally using innovative techniques and materials for new tracers.


polyhydroxybutyrate, polymeric membranes, nanocellulose, biodegradable materials, tracers


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