Manual Therapy, Posturology & Rehabilitation Journal
Manual Therapy, Posturology & Rehabilitation Journal
10th December, 2014

XXIIe Journées de Posturologie clinique - Paris, France.


On 24 and 25 January 2015 will occur “XXIIe Journées of Posturologie clinique” - the event that occurs for more than 20 years promoted by Association Posturologie Internationale (API). In February 2014 took place in Brazil and in the next year will take place in Paris, France. The event will be held in the "Faculté de Médecine des Saints-Peres" under the presidency of Mr. Professor Théophile Ohlmann, Dr. Pierre-Marie Gagey and Dr. Afonso Salgado.

Man. Ther., Posturology Rehabil. J.

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