Manual Therapy, Posturology & Rehabilitation Journal
Manual Therapy, Posturology & Rehabilitation Journal
Short Communication

Influence of voluntary eye movements on the stepping test.

Pierre-Marie Gagey, Serge Helbert

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Background: It is known that a subject’s locomotor behavior during the Fukuda–Unterberger stepping test is modified by voluntary rotation of the neck or reflex rotation of the eye following the interposition of a low power prism. Objective: But what are the effects of voluntary eye version? Method: Three parameters of the stepping test were observed in a cohort of 23 rigorously selected subjects, during test executions in five positions of voluntary ocular version. Results: A spin motion, ipsilateral to the ocular version, already apparent for a 2.5° version that was statistically (Student’s t test) significant, were observed. Conclusion: Volunteers or reflexes, version eye movements have the same effect on postural tonic activity.


Regulation of Postural Tonic Activity; Oculomotricity ; Stepping Test.


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