Manual Therapy, Posturology & Rehabilitation Journal
Manual Therapy, Posturology & Rehabilitation Journal
Research Article

The postural system as a functional venous pump

Vladimir Usachev, Pierre-Marie Gagey

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Background: In the 90s, Inamura et al. have drawn our attention to the role played by the postural system in the return venous circulation, thanks to plethysmographic recordings which gave free rein to the imagination of the authors to suppose the functioning mechanisms of this venous pump. In 2010, two anatomists, Uhl & Gillot, transformed our representation of the venous network and made assumptions about the functioning of the venous pump. Objective/ Methods: The aim of this work is to verify these hypotheses by scanning the venous blood flow at the level of the sinus soleus and the popliteal vein during various posture-kinetic situations. Conclusion: These studies fully confirm the hypotheses. It is therefore likely that the postural system intervenes not only in the phenomena of stabilisation of the body, but also in the back venous circulation.


Posturology; Phlebology; Venous Return Circulation


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Man. Ther., Posturology Rehabil. J.

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