Manual Therapy, Posturology & Rehabilitation Journal
Manual Therapy, Posturology & Rehabilitation Journal
Research Article

Influence of resistance training in quality of life, body composition, and physical performance of community-dwelling elderly women

Oliveira-Silva, Iransé; Gonçalves, Helton Ramos; Venâncio, Patrícia Espíndola Mota; Tolentino, Grassyara Pinho; Lima, William Alves; Teixeira Júnior, Jairo; Oliveira, Rodrigo Franco de; Soares, Viviane; Chupel, Matheus Uba; Pires-Oliveira, Deise Aparecida Almeida

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Background Aging is an irreversible process by which all living humans will pass, and the percentage of older population growth significantly in the last decades. There are an increasing evidence showing that independently older people, with autonomy and physical capacity, has better quality of life in comparison with others without self-sufficiency. Objective: Verify the changes on Quality-of-Life (QoL), body composition and physical performance (PF) of elderly women submitted to resistance training (RT). Methods: 16 elderly women participated in the study, that consisted in 12 weeks of Resistance training. The QoL with SF-36, the blood pressure (BP), hand-grip strength, anthropometry and physical performance to senior, was measured before and after of resistance training. Results: The main findings of this study were that the RT for 12 weeks are able to changes the self-perception of QoL of elderly women, simultaneously with decrease in percent of fat and increase in strength and PF. In addition, a maintenance of BP levels, flexibility and self-perception of pain and global health (QoL domains), were observed after this period. Conclusion: The study suggest that the 12 weeks of RT, twice a week, is able to ameliorate several physical fitness components and QoL domains, in community-dwelling elderly women.


Elderly, Quality of Life, Strength, Body Composition, Resistance Trainnning, Physical Performance.


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