Manual Therapy, Posturology & Rehabilitation Journal
Manual Therapy, Posturology & Rehabilitation Journal
Research Article

Study of the quality of life in amputee soccer players

Auricchio, José Ricardox Bernardes, Nathaliax Moreno, Marlene Aparecida

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Introduction: Although a number of aspects related to amputation have a negative impact on quality of life, sports can prevent disease and promote health in this population just as it can among the nondisabled. Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate the quality of life in amputee soccer players (n=25). Method: We compared scores on the World Health Organization Quality-of-Life Scale (WHOQOL-BREF). Results: observing that the physical (PHY: 71±16), psychological (PSY: 76±18) and social domains (SOC: 72±22) showed higher values (p <0.05) than the environment domain (ENV: 55±17). There was a positive correlation between PHY and PSY (r: 0.8), PHY and SOC (r: 0.7) and PHY and ENV (r: 0.7). Moreover, PHY showed a positive correlation with SOC (r: 0.9) and ENV (r: 0.8). In addition, the adapted sport improved the overall quality of life index (GQOLI= 71.50). Conclusion: These results show that amputee soccer improves the quality of life of its players.


Soccer, Amputation, Quality of life, Rehabilitation Exercise


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