Manual Therapy, Posturology & Rehabilitation Journal
Manual Therapy, Posturology & Rehabilitation Journal
Research Article

Immediate effects of an approach in high cervical and occipitomastoidon postural control and mobility of individuals with parkinson’s disease: case series

Severo, Alexandre Rodrigues; Silveira, Mateus Corrêa; Mota, Carlos Bolli; Rhoden, Eduardo Costa; Filippin, Nadiesca Taisa

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Introduction: Parkinson’s disease (PD) causes impairments in postural control and mobility that affect the individual’s independence. Manual therapy has been used in the treatment of these disorders and can change mobility and postural control. Objective: To assess the immediate effects of an approach in high cervical and occipitomastoid on postural control and mobility of individuals with PD. Method: Three individuals with PD, females, aged 52 to 73 years, participated in this case series. Participants were assessed immediately before and after therapeutic intervention through releases of suboccipital muscles and occipitomastoid sutures. Trunk mobility, functional mobility and postural control (center of pressure parameters - COP) were evaluated. Results: All participants demonstrated improvements in trunk mobility. Participants 1 and 2 slightly improved functional mobility. Participants 1 and 2 showed a decrease in the medial-lateral displacement of the COP. All participants showed increases in at least one direction to the limits of stability. Conclusions: The results showed that the intervention appears more effective on trunk mobility. Variables related to postural control changed with no consistent pattern. Further studies could investigate the association of other manual therapy techniques and their effects on mobility and postural control in individuals with PD.


Parkinsonism disorders, Postural balance, Mobility, Musculoskeletal manipulations


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