Manual Therapy, Posturology & Rehabilitation Journal
Manual Therapy, Posturology & Rehabilitation Journal
Research Article

Physical therapy evaluation and treatment in low back fracture: a case report.

Martins, Tamiris Beppler; Moreira, Géssica Maria; Silva, Camila Fadel da; Rafael, Aline Dandara; Sinhorim, Larissa; Santos, Gilmar Moraes

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Introduction: falls are common in elderly and can cause fractures, with a consequent decrease in functional capacity and quality of life of these individuals. Physical therapy has fundamental role in early return of patients to their activities of daily living. Objective: evaluate the effectiveness of physical therapy on pain and functionality in elderly patients with fractures in the spine. Method: subject to 65 years of age, female, fracture history in the first lumbar vertebra. The participant was evaluated through a Physical Therapy Evaluation form, Visual Analogue Scale, Roland Morris disability questionnaire and the lumbar disability index of OSWESTRY. A treatment protocol was applied for ten sessions. Results: the results showed decreased pain and increased functionality after 10 training sessions. Conclusion: the proposal of physical therapy proved effective in gaining functionality and reducing pain.


Low Back Fractures. Physical Therapy. Rehabilitation.


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