Manual Therapy, Posturology & Rehabilitation Journal
Manual Therapy, Posturology & Rehabilitation Journal

Sleep during, overweight and obesity in adolescence: a systematic review

Silva, Maritza Lordsleem; Melo, Raphael José Perrier; Dabbico, Penelopy; De Freitas, Clara Maria Silvestre M.

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Introduction: In adolescence, intense social and school demands, hormonal changes that modify the circadian rhythms and the overuse of electronic equipments causes an inadequate sleep duration to adolescents. Studies have linked short sleep duration with the increase odds to have overweight and obesity. Objective: To identify articles that analyzed relationship between inadequate sleep time and overweight and obesity in adolescents. Method: It was done a research on Bireme (Lilacs and MEDLINE), PubMed, Scielo and Ibecs for two independents researchers using Portuguese and English keywords: “sleep”, “sleep duration”, “adolescence”, “obesity” and “overweigh”. It was considerated as inclusion criteria: sample with 10-19-year adolescents, original articles between 2002 and 2013 in Portuguese and English. Therefore, it was excluded review articles, thesis, dissertations and monographs. Results: The initial Electronic search resulted in 663 articles and, after process of article select with read of titles, resumes and the complete form, it was selected 15 articles. Conclusion: Inadequate levels of sleep duration are associated with increase of overweight and obesity in adolescents.


Adolescents. Sleep. Overweight. Obesity



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