Manual Therapy, Posturology & Rehabilitation Journal
Manual Therapy, Posturology & Rehabilitation Journal

Aesthetic resources applied to burns: literature review.

Pierini, Érica; Assunção, Flavia Fernanda de O.

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Introduction: Burns are injuries to the tissue lining of the body, caused by thermal, chemical, electrical or radioactive agents, which may totally or partially destroying the skin and its annexes, and to reach deeper layers as muscles, tendons and bones. The local response to cellular injury include the release of vasoactive agents (histamine, serotonin, bradykinin, prostaglandins, leukotrienes, platelet activating factors) and an immediate increase in osmolarity of the interstitial being classified into first, second, third and fourth grade (electrical burn ) which involves the complete destruction of all tissues, the specific injury takes varying proportions, depending on the exposure time and the type of the causative agent, the extent and depth of the damaged area. Objective: To investigate and gather through literature Bibliographic aesthetic features that help in the prevention and improvement of sequelae caused by burn injuries. Method: This is a search for bibliographic and descriptive review, consisting of scientific articles and books on the subject aesthetic resources for ‘‘burn injuries’’. The realization of this research was carried out by consulting the papers, looking for topics as ‘’burn’’ and ‘’aesthetic resources for burn injuries’’. To survey the material searches were conducted through the portals: SCIELO; UNIFIA; HSVP; FACISA; ASSETS and PORTALBIOCURSOS and with cross between the words:Burns, injuries and aesthetic resources. Results: eight articles and fifteen books including twentythree references in this research, published between 1967-2010 found. Ultrasound, manual therapies, Electro resources (Microcurrent, Transcutaneous electrical nerve termination, excitomotor current) and laser therapy: Among the four studies aesthetic features which have good results when applied to burn injuries, they being found. Conclusions: The findings contribute to the understanding and application of aesthetic resources in burn injuries, in order to improve the quality of scars, skin suppleness, increasing self-esteem and quality of life.


Burns, Scars and Aesthetic Equipment.



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