Manual Therapy, Posturology & Rehabilitation Journal
Manual Therapy, Posturology & Rehabilitation Journal
Research Article

Musculoskeletal disorders in manual therapistis

Silva, Kátia Karina Monte; Tenório, Angélica da Silva; Guerino, Marcelo Renato; Oliveira, Mafra Raiele Torres; Mendonça, Mannaly Braga de; Barros, Maria de Fátima Alcântara; Carvalho, Antonio Geraldo Cidrão de; Ferreira, Ana Paula de Lima; Araújo, Maria das Graças Rodrigues de

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Introduction: Musculoskeletal Disorders (MDEs) are inflammatories and degenerative diseases that are a public health problem. In recent years among registered occupational diseases worldwide are the most prevalent, affecting the quality of life of individuals. Objective: To investigate the occurrence and characteristics of MDEs on physiotherapists who use manual therapy techniques in Recife‑Pernambuco. Method: 34 therapists of both genders responded standardized questionnaire (demographic characteristics and complaints of musculoskeletal diseases) in regular time and in the workplace (public and private health services). Data were analyzed by chi-square test ((χ2 ), a significance level of 95% (p <0.05), BioEstat program version 3.0. Results: It was found that 88.2% of the sample refers to any type of MDEs, but the spine (76.6%) and upper (70.6%) were most often affected, especially wrists and hands (56,7% ).There were no significant correlations between MDEs and gender of the therapist and not with the playing time (years) profession, however the occurrence of these disturbances was correlated to the age of the professional. There was a direct relationship between workload and the presence of DMEs. Conclusion: The results indicate that the manual therapists in the performance of intense activity partners have high percentages of involvement by musculoskeletal disorders, requiring preventive ergonomic measures.


Musculoskeletal disorders, Manual therapy, Occupational injuries


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