Manual Therapy, Posturology & Rehabilitation Journal
Manual Therapy, Posturology & Rehabilitation Journal
Research Article

Construction of concept map on the physiotherapeutic evaluation in the rheumatic patients: an experience report

Benjamim Júnior, Nailton; Cirne, Gabriele Natane de Medeiros; Carvalho, Adriano Araújo de; Melo, Laiza Oliveira Mendes de; Barbosa, Maria Clara Silva; Silva, Yuri Medeiros; Souza, Marcelo Cardoso de

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Introduction: The construction of concept maps should be carried out considering a hierarchical structuring of the concepts that will be presented. The mapping is a technique that can be used in various situations. Objective: the objective of this study is to construct a concept map within the perspective of the physiotherapy evaluation in rheumatology and to report the students’ experience in this learning process. Method: This study is an experience report by the students of the tenth period of the Physiotherapy course from the Faculty of Health Sciences at Trairi/Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, who were in activities of the Rheumatological Physiotherapy Internship, held in the school clinic of physiotherapy of the institution. A total of six students developed their concept maps using the CmapTools 6.01 software. Results: We can observe through the students’ reports that they understood the importance of using this type of tool as a way to improve and optimize learning. Conclusions: Experience reports show that indeed the construction of the concept map brings positive effects in the rescue of theoretical content and facilitates clinical practice.


Educational Technology, Rheumatology, Physiotherapy.


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