Jornal Vascular Brasileiro
Jornal Vascular Brasileiro
Review Article

Aortic aneurysm surgery: problems and innovations

Ralf Kolvenbach; Winston Bonetti Yoshida

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A long way was traveled since the first surgery was performed for the treatment of abdominal aortic aneurysm. Throughout this time, several innovations have been created in order to reduce the invasiveness of the surgical procedures and to improve their safety and durability. This review discusses the major and recent advances on aortic aneurysm interventions, including, the endovascular aortic repair, the laparoscopic aortic surgery, the conventional hybrid and endovascular techniques, combined laparoscopic and endovascular techniques, as well as future prospects for both thoracic and abdominal aorta. Faced with so many changes and developments, modern vascular surgeons must keep their minds open to innovations and should develop comprehensive training with different techniques, to provide the best therapeutic option for their patients.


Aneurysm, aorta, video-assisted surgery, blood vessel prosthesis implantation


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