Jornal Vascular Brasileiro
Jornal Vascular Brasileiro
Original Article

The role of transillumination phleboscopy in the planning of cosmetic operations for varicose veins

Ricardo C. Rocha Moreira; Márcio Miyamotto; Ramzi Abdallah El-Hosni Jr.; Barbara D’; Agnoluzzo Moreira

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Background: The cosmetic treatment of varicose veins is the main activity of most vascular surgeons in Brazil. In order to obtain satisfactory cosmetic results, careful planning of varicose vein operations is necessary. Objective: Marking (or "mapping") the varicose veins with indelible ink is an essential step in planning cosmetic surgeries for lower limb varicose veins. In the present study, the role of transcutaneous phleboscopy (TcPh) in planning varicose vein operations is evaluated. Methods: A series of 100 consecutive patients, all female, were evaluated with TcPH as part of their varicose vein operations planning. A total of 171 limbs with varicose veins (71 bilateral and 29 unilateral) were evaluated. The process of marking the varicose veins followed the same protocol in all cases. Firstly, the varicose veins were marked by inspection and palpation, with the patient standing, using an indelible black ink pen. Secondly, with the patients resting in supine and prone positions, the varicose veins detected with TcPh were marked again with red or blue ink. The marks made by the two methods were then compared. Results: In 41 patients, for a total of 80 limbs (46.8%), the marks were altered after use of TcPh. Reasons for such changes were: 1) identification of other varicose veins; 2) identification of reticular veins draining complex telangiectasias; and 3) changes in the position of the marks placed with the patient standing. Conclusions: TcPh has altered the planning of varicose vein surgeries in 46.8% of all limbs evaluated, especially when the patients had complex telangiectasias, associated with reticular varicose veins.


Varicose veins, surgical diagnostic techniques, vascular surgery


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