Jornal Vascular Brasileiro
Jornal Vascular Brasileiro
Therapeutic Challenge

Management of traumatic superficial palmar arch pseudoaneurysm: a therapeutic challenge

Patrick Bastos Metzger; Fernando Antonio Falcão Paixão Neto; Sarah Fernandez Coutinho de Carvalho; Miguel Godeiro Fernandez; Simone Lessa Metzger; Maria Fernanda Lima Brandão; Rafael Borges Monteiro; Fabio Henrique Rossi

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Pseudoaneurysm of the palmar arch is a rare entity. Diagnosis is dependent on high clinical suspicion. We present a case referred to the emergency department, with a history of glass penetrating trauma to the palmar surface with a pulsatile mass and jet bleeding. Doppler ultrasound evidenced a partially thrombosed pseudoaneurysm. A CT angiography examination showed a saccular formation arising from the superficial palmar arch. A conventional surgical approach was indicated. A clinical suspicion must be ventured to arrive at the correct diagnosis. Imaging modalities are needed to identify the pseudoaneurysm and plan the treatment course. Nonetheless, the sequence of diagnosis is individual, because further evaluation with different imaging methods may not change the rationale for the intervention. In our experience, conventional surgical removal is preferable, due to its safety and well-established outcomes.


vascular injury, pseudoaneurysm, hand injury, bleeding


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