Tratamento de endoleak tipo 1A mediante embolização com molas: relato de caso
Treatment of type 1A endoleak using coil embolization: a case report
Sergio Quilici Belczak; Guilherme Delicato Pedroso; Lara Cote Ogawa; Paula Thume Campos; Andre Lopes Padula; Glenna Paulain Machado; Matheus Zago Soares dos Santos; Beatriz Marques Abrão
Abstract: In a type 1A endoleak, the endograft is unable to fully seal the proximal aneurysm neck and blood flow leaks between the wall of the aortic neck and the graft material. This article reports a case in which coil embolization was used and presents a literature review (PubMed, LILACS, and SciELO). Searches were run for articles published in the past 5 years using the descriptors “endoleak 1A”, “coil embolization,” and “treatment”. Type 1A endoleak occurs in 1.1% of patients within 30 days of graft placement. Treatment of an endoleak is obligatory and usually consists of sealing the proximal graft neck using stents and balloons to expand the landing zone or to increase the radial force of the graft. Some studies have suggested using embolization techniques with cyanoacrylate, fibrin glue, and Onyx, demonstrating success rates that exceed 97%. However, correction of type 1A endoleak using coil embolization has seldom been described.
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