Journal of Animal Behaviour and Biometeorology
Journal of Animal Behaviour and Biometeorology
Research Article Open Access

Thermal environment in growing and finishing pig facilities of different building typologies

Daiane Cecchin, Vasco Fitas Da Cruz, Alessandro Torres Campos, Francine Aparecida Sousa, Pedro Ivo Sodré Amaral, Leticia Cibele da Silva Ramos Freitas, Rafaella Resende Andrade

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The objective of this study was to evaluate the thermal comfort of growing and finishing pigs affected by the different constructive typologies of the installations regarding the floor and lateral partitions. Were evaluated the following pen types: pen with water pit, pen with partially slotted floor on the sides, and pen with partially slotted floor on the sides and in the center of the facilities. The following thermal variables were measured: dry bulb temperature, black globe temperature, relative humidity, and air velocity. Based on these data, the temperature and humidity index, the temperature index of the globe and humidity, and the specific enthalpy were calculated. The pen with a water pit showed higher average relative air humidity and lower black globe temperature compared to the other pens. In the hottest period of the day, the temperature index of the globe and humidity presented mean values above that recommended for adult pigs, although there were no differences between pens. This indicates that animals, irrespective of the type of pen used, have suffered from thermal stress, which most likely affected their performance.


rural buildings, swine, house design, thermal comfort


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J. Anim. Behav. Biometeorol.

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