Journal of Animal Behaviour and Biometeorology
Journal of Animal Behaviour and Biometeorology
Review Article Open Access

Nitrous oxide production from cattle and swine manure

Jan Broucek

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The aim of this review is to summarize the current knowledge of nitrous oxide (N2O) production from manure. The article investigates the scientific literature regarding N2O emissions according to different factors, such as microclimate, season, manure composition, microbial population, management, storage conditions, and type of digestion. Nitrous oxide is formed through the microbiological processes of nitrification and denitrification. The amount of N2O produced from manure storage depends on type of manure management. The anaerobically stored farm yard manure (FYM) emitted more N2O emissions than the composted FYM. The anaerobic storage of liquid manure reduces N2O production. Covering the slurry store (SLR) with a chopped straw increased N2O emissions. Finally, emission factors from manure treatment and management are listed in table.


nitrous oxide, manure, slurry, housing


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