Journal of Animal Behaviour and Biometeorology
Journal of Animal Behaviour and Biometeorology
Short Communication Open Access

Behavior of pigs in the growth phase raised in an enriched environment

Ezza Karolliny Ferreira Vasconcelos, Laylson da Silva Borges, Ângela Lopes da Silva, Tiago Vieira de Andrade, Edna Teles dos Santos, Severino Cavalcante de Sousa Júnior, Leonardo Atta Farias

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In this study we aimed to evaluate the behavior of pigs raised in an enriched environment. 12 male piglets, hybrids between 35 and 105 days of age were used. We assessed the behavioral variables: sleeping, standing, lying down, exploring, wallowing, drinking, eating, leisure, digging, defecating, urinating, sitting, walking, vocalizing, biting, playing and fighting in environment with and without environmental enrichment. The results showed significant differences at 5% probability for the variables standing, lying down, wallowing, eating, digging, urinating, playing and fighting, with animals showing higher frequencies every twenty minutes for the variable standing (205), wallowing (44), urinating (23) and playing (29) in the environment with the presence of environmental enrichment. Thus, it was possible to ascertain that the behavior of the pigs evaluated in the growth phase is influenced by the presence of environmental enrichment.


animal welfare, environmental enrichment, animal ethology, swine production


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J. Anim. Behav. Biometeorol.

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