Journal of Animal Behaviour and Biometeorology
Journal of Animal Behaviour and Biometeorology
Research Article Open Access

Bioclimatic zoning for beef cattle in Brazil with the aid of intelligent systems

Guilherme Farias Tavares, Elizabeth Lima Carnevskis, Leonardo Schiassi, Roberto Carlos Filho, Késia Oliveira da Silva Miranda, Jarbas Honório de Miranda

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A diversity of climate variable is necessary to establish the comfort level. Hence, the use of intelligent systems can assist to obtain a unique value that expresses the condition the animal is in. This paper develops a fuzzy system for obtaining a comfort index for zebu and elaborating bioclimatic zones for beef cattle. The model was developed under a MATLAB® 8.5 environment thru the fuzzy toolbox for predicting the thermic comfort index (ICTZ) from the entry variables: specific enthalpy (H, kJ.kgdry air-1) and wind speed (Vv, m.s-1). A 30-year history data from 156 stations with monthly average data was used. The ICTZ values obtained for each station were interpolated by ordinary kriging and then classified in four conditions: danger, alert, discomfort and comfort. The North region presented alert areas throughout the whole year. The entire country presented the discomfort condition except for winter. Therefore, the use of intelligent systems became a great tool for obtaining ICTZ and for elaborating bioclimatic zones.


cattle breeding, ambience, fuzzy modeling, thermal comfort, Bos indicus


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J. Anim. Behav. Biometeorol.

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