Journal of Animal Behaviour and Biometeorology
Journal of Animal Behaviour and Biometeorology
Review Article Open Access

Heat stress and its influence on hormonal physiology of small ruminants

Maycon Rodrigues da Silva, Bonifácio Benicio de Souza, Luiz Junior Guimarães, Diego Figueiredo da Costa, Ediane Freitas Rocha, Diego Vagner de Oliveira Souto, Elisângela Maria Nunes da Silva

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Over the years with changes in both production and marketing aspects of the operation of goats and sheep has been highlighted and is widespread throughout the world. The sheep and goat production systems are affected by several restrictive elements that can compromise their development, among which stands out the adverse weather conditions that contribute to the reduction of the herd productivity. In conditions of thermal stress, the animals begin a series of mechanisms regulated by hormones and coordinated by the nervous system and the endocrine system. In this context, the objective was to make a literature review on hormone physiology in control of heat stress in sheep and goats. Hormonal changes detected in animals under heat stress affects both their productive performance as the reproductive, predisposing the onset of diseases, stunted growth or reproductive harm. Changes in behavior are the first visible signs triggered by hormonal changes due to thermal stress.


ambience, adverse conditions, livestock


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