A importância da preparação da escola e do corpo docente na temática gênero: percepções dos alunos sobre as aulas de educação física escolar
Isabel Carvalho Pereira, Maria Clarice de Almeida Esteves, Rafaela Pereira Elias, Raphael Almeida Silva Soares & Rubem Machado Filho
Brazilian society is undergoing constant social and behavioral changes, and the search for the guarantee of rights among socially segregated groups is remarkable. The school, as a place of knowledge production, must be linked to large centers of knowledge, disseminating knowledge and minimizing socioeconomic gaps. The Physical Education Teacher has an influence on the applicability of the theme, dealing with the movement's body culture, considering the individual's cultural and social manifestations. The study aims to verify the contribution of the teaching staff in the integral training of students about the plurality of bodies. The questionnaire was composed of 9 (nine) objective questions and 2 (two) discourses with the theme Gender and Sexuality in Education classes Physics. The research universe comprised 42 (forty-two) students from schools in the state of Rio de Janeiro. Data collection took place in April 2020. The results identified that different opinions of the presented themes (gender, sex, and sexual orientation), and the notable difficulty of discussing the theme, avoiding the subject or presenting prejudiced thoughts, recurring in patriarchal and traditional environments. The physical education teacher's work can bring behavioral changes to such students' positions, bringing respect and tolerance to others. The pedagogical part is responsible for disseminating subjects, promoting understanding of bodies, their diversity and their diverse representations of movement, increasing students practicing physical education classes and reducing school dropout.
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